
Our teaching artist hub focuses on quality lessons
Our teaching artists are getting a fair hourly rate that is regulated by Music Teachers' Association of NSW and minimum recommended is:
$96.00 per hour (Private)
$105.60 per hour (Private) with GST included
Intro Lesson
To book an intro lesson, payment is required upfront to book a teaching artist. The fee is as per the regular lesson.
Regular sessions:
30 min $75 / 105
45 min $105 / 125
60 min $125 / 145
Prices are GST-inclusive
Lessons Fees with Master of Performing Arts Dominik Przywara:
30 min $95
45 min $125
60 min $145
- 5% discount if fees are paid on time
Prices are GST-inclusive
135$ / 60 min
105$ / 45 min
85$ / 30 min
Quartet and Trio Lessons
60 min $45 pp.
Casual Lessons ( Not regular after intro lesson ) - subject to availability and no discount applicable:
+ 20% to basic price
Prices are GST inclusive when applicable.
Practice sessions prices are subject to change and are varying between teaching artists.
In some circumstances, discount is possible.
We accept Creative Kids Voucher.

Prices and the Cancellation policy
How does it work?
Contact us and we will organise an intro lesson. We will send you an invoice to book teaching artist.
After the intro lesson, we will plan weekly lessons and practise sessions until the end of the term.
To confirm your participation and to schedule weekly sessions for you we require your upfront payment.

T&Cs and Cancellations
Our professional practise sessions and lessons once booked are not subject to change.
Please book carefully.
Teaching artists will book their time for you and please make sure that you are there, inside the class on time. They are here for you.
Once the lessons are booked and confirmed by payment, we will send you a calendar invitation for all the lessons booked: email reminder and SMS reminder 48 - 24 hours before each lesson.
We will not refund you if you do not come for a lesson however, we will do our best, to find another suitable time to make up.
We will not postpone the fees to the next term if practise sessions and lessons are booked and cancelled.
If a refund is granted, is going to be processed before the end of the 10th week of the Term.